TimeLock  Time Limit for Parents

The feature requests below will all be added into the next update to TimeLock. The requests are either the named person’s idea or my workaround to solve their problem.

Have TimeLock only lock access to certain apps - This is a very popular request and i regret that this is not possible to implement due to apple restrictions.

Have different users listed, each one could put in their own code and use their time.


A "delay" feature so a child can use the device for 30 minutes, then have a forced 2 hr delay and then use it again.


Increase the frequency of the messages so they appear every second.


Fill up more of the screen with the popup so the user can't see the app behind.


Week planner to automatically schedule more time on week-ends (for example) to avoid any further arguments and handling.


Set times that the iPod can be used. Eg between 4pm and 6pm

Kelly, Chris, Harry

I want to set a timer, give the iPad to my kids and have it freeze up when the timer runs out. Once I enter the unlock code, the iPad should remain unlocked unless I ask for a new timed session.



Feature Requests

Submit a Feature Request

To submit a feature request, simply send an email to the address at the bottom of the page and I will add it to the list.

NOTE: No more Feature Requests are being taken until the next update is released.

Submit a Feature Request: iOSApps@bitworks-engineering.co.uk

No more Feature Requests are being taken until the next update is released.